Many insurance brokers incorporate technology into their businesses to stay competitive in an increasingly digital world. The importance of tech is being put to the test with the COVID-19 pandemic. With people across the world forced to work from home, brokers using digital tools are...
The Broker's Guide to Using Social Media
By Matt Wilkes | Brokers, Employee Benefits, Technology | No CommentsMillennials now make up over one-third of the American workforce1, and marketing to this group requires a tech-centric approach from insurance brokers. Our last post covered a few best practices in part one, including the use of social media, which we’re going to dive into in more depth.
3 Ways Brokers Can Market to Millennials Effectively
By Matt Wilkes | Brokers, Employee Benefits, Technology, Dental Benefits | 5 CommentsAchieving success as an insurance broker involves a willingness to adapt to market changes. This means staying knowledgeable about new products and providers, but it also includes keeping a careful eye on demographic shifts. As the population changes, so too should your approach to marketing — what...
How Are PEOs Changing in the Face of Disruptive Technology?
By Alex Frommeyer | Technology, Thoughts From Beam | No CommentsA few weeks ago, I was excited to get the opportunity to attend the PrismHR Live 2018, the largest technology conference in the PEO industry. A PEO is a professional employer organization, which is a company to where other businesses can outsource a variety of employee services. The most common...
How Modern Technology Can Mitigate Your Clients' Switching Costs
By Chris Prochak | Brokers, Employee Benefits, Technology | No CommentsYou've been there before: you bring an incredibly compelling benefits package to your client at renewal. You've maximized savings across all their lines and believe you're delivering the best possible package, including incredible service, innovation and significant cost savings. However, the...
How Do I Select the Best Online Broker Product for My Company's Benefits?
By Chris Prochak | Employee Benefits, Technology, insurance brokers, Employers | 2 CommentsIn our previous post, I laid out a framework to compare a traditional benefits broker vs. technology platforms; at this point, let's assume that you’ve decided a tech platform is a viable option for you. Step 1? Check! There are dozens of technology options out there to help you address your HR...
Should I Use a Traditional or Online Broker for My Company's Benefits?
By Chris Prochak | Employee Benefits, Technology, insurance brokers, Employers | 1 CommentDo you find the prospect of adding or changing employee benefits daunting? You’re not alone. A Google search for "how to create employee compensation and benefits" yields over 87 million results. Where do you begin?